Monday, January 28, 2008

Tracy Rich

With soulful renditions on the Countryfolk stages, whether performing harmonies with "Off The Hill" band or as a solo act, Tracy has endeared audiences for several years

Here are two scholarship teens, ( as the "Bisbee Babes ) , Tracy and Shawna , enjoy doing a duet on the spectator building stage..
Great voices girls...

10 youths were awarded Countryfolk Scholarships in 2004 in honor of Ben Arsenault, fiddler....

Patrick Libby in "Barefoot Country Girl"
Patrick Libby has proven to be an exceptionally talented young man, being awarded not only Countryfolk scholarships, but also having won prestigious country music awards in Maine and at Pigeon Forge, Tennessee....

Patrick's traditional country music talent has won him many friends and fans in the country music field..

The Countryfolk Spectator building.... Folks watching and listening to the youth music scholarship performers...
Congratulations to all of you......

9 year old Krystal Blood on stage performing during the Countryfolk "Wild West Show"..

Another youth music scholarship awardee

Thanks so much Krystal !

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